GOVERNMENT OF JAMMU AND KASHMIR    |    Motor Vehicle Department

About Permits in J&K


Any person can Claim for authorization of permit provided he fulfills the following conditions:-

  • To submit the application, along with the requisite fee.
  • To submit residential/address proof.
  • To submit the domicile certificate.
  • To submit the character certificate issued by Gazetted Officer.
  • To submit the affidavit indicating the papers furnished are true and correct.

Type of Permits
  • Stage Carriage permits
  • Contract Carriage permit
  • Goods Carriage permits
Stage Carriage Permits

The following conditions are to be fullfilled to have a stage carriage permit.

  • To specify the route/routes, area or areas to which applicant wants to ply the vehicle.
  • The type of vehicle & seating capacity.
  • The minimum and maximum no of daily trips proposed to be provided.
  • Providing of normal service as per time table.
  • No of vehicles intends to kept as reserve to maintain the service and providing of service for special occassions.
Type of Permits in Contract Carriage
  • District permit.
  • State permit.
  • All India permit.
Goods Carriage Permits

This permit can be granted in favour of trucks and mini load carriers. The trucks/mini load carriers more than laden weight of 3000 kgs can be provided with the goods permit.