GOVERNMENT OF JAMMU AND KASHMIR    |    Motor Vehicle Department

Statistical Information of MVD

View the Statistical Information of Motor Vehicles Department, Govt. of Jammu and Kashmir.

Vahan dashboard
Sarathi Dashboard

Vehicles Registered

Number of Vehicles Registered for the last 5 years.
1 2020 14366 169911
2 2021 17041 140110
3 2022 19472 143391
4 2023 28836 142772
5 2024(till April) 11460 42740

Driving License Issued

Number of Driving Licenses Granted for the last 5 years.
S.No. Year New DL issued Additional Endorsement to DL
1 2020 76619 12118
3 2022 81304 10674
4 2023 86866 13227
5 2024(till April) 26751 4605

Route Permits Issued

Number of Route Permits Granted for the last 5 years.
S.No. Year Stage Carriage Contract Carriage Goods Carriage
1 2020 205 356 2491
2 2021 260 508 4066
3 2022 303 160 3683
4 2023 490 4421 4190
5 2024(till April) 286 2125 1423

Fitness Certificates Issued

Number of Fitness Certificates Issued for the last 5 years.
S.No.YearTotal Applications receivedFitness Issued
1 2020 49807 48963
4 2023 105022 99915
52024(till April)4188036429