GOVERNMENT OF JAMMU AND KASHMIR    |    Motor Vehicle Department

Token Tax

Under section 3 of J&K Motor Vehicle Taxation Act, 1957 revised from time to time Token Tax is being charged from Motor vehicles as below.

S.No Vehicle Category Quarterly One Time
1 Scooter 120.00 2400.00
Motor Cycle 200.00 4000.00
Motor Cycle With Side Car. 300.00 4000.00
Motor car upto 14 HP. 300.00 6000.00
Motor Car above 14 HP. 1000.00 20000.00
Motor Car with trailer. 300.00
Invalid Carriage. 120.00 2400.00
Buses other than Commercial
2 8 to 21 Passengers 1200.00
22 to 33 Passengers 1500.00
34 Passengers and more 2000.00
Trailors 500.00
Commercial Buses
3 8 to 21 Passengers 1200.00
22 to 33 Passengers 2000.00
34 Passengers and more 2200.00
Taxis/Auto Rickshaws
4 Upto 5 seats 500.00
More than 5 seats 750.00
Trailors 500.00
Goods vehicle
5 Upto 3600 Kg 1800.00
3600 to 8100 Kg 2000.00
8100 Kg and above 2200.00